Friday, February 1, 2013

Honda 50 • Zambia adventures • growing up

When I was five years old I wound up having major surgery on my leg. When I left the hospital my mom had a Honda 50, the one with the folding handlebars, waiting for me. At that point in my life I did not know how to ride a bicycle.

Shortly after this my parents moved to Africa where they brought the Honda 50 with them in their suitcase.
It wasn't until I was six or seven years old that my brother showed me how to ride the motorbike. What fun that was to be able to ride through the bush going places that as a kid you would have never gone by yourself.

I wound up driving through a rebel army camp and back. I think my parents had a heart attack or two.

The Lord sure protected me as a kid.

A few years later I was going to a place called Jack's Rock where boulders the size of a block of houses formed caves and crevasses. My friends, Zambians and Neal Greyling use  to run around playing  despite a cave that was there being housed by a bunch of bandits who use to invite us in to eat and laugh at our stories.

So thank God for His ever watchful eye on us as we go about our lives. HE is faithful.

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